Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm New!

Hey everyone,
Im new to the whole Blogin scene but I thought I would try it out. Please leave any advise you want like how you make your pages so stinking cute!


  1. I get my blog backgrouds from and it has step by step instructions on how to apply the backgrounds. i look forward to hearing about you and your beautiful family. jenny~

  2. I am so happy that you are blogging! Can't wait to hear all the stories about your kiddos. My advice to you would be find friends and family members that have blogs, look at their layouts and find what fits your design taste. They ask those friends how they added it to their blogs. It takes a lot less time than searching the web for stuff.

  3. I agree with the other two comments. I get my backgrounds at the same site and I check out my family and friend's pages too. I was a little overwhelmed when I started but I found if I get a free minute (which is rare) I just tweak the blog. I am so excited to read your stories and posts!

  4. Kiri! It's so fun to see your blog. Your kiddos are adorable! Blogging is a nice outlet for me to keep friends and family in the loop since we live so far away. For me, it's really kind of just a family journal/photo album. But I'm always so happy after making a new post. It's fun to look back on them and remember where we've been and what we've done. :) Enjoy your blog!

  5. Oh yeah! Our blog is
